
Data Journalism at CCSU, Fall 2015

Using Census Reporter

Census data navigator created by journalists

It's frustrating navigating FactFinder.org.

A group of journalists created a shell, or a new interface, for digging up Census data.


You can search by Place or Topic.

Look up Connecticut.

This landing page offers default demographic data.

You can embed from here or look at the underlying data easily.

Search for "Health insuruance" and select Health Insurance Coverage Status by Sex by Age.

This is the overall Connecticut view.

You can add more by clicking the geography type on the left.

On the left, click on Zip Code.

Click on the the Map button on the top right.

Select any of the options from the pulldown menu on the left to identify which data you'd like to make a choropleth with.

When you're satisfied, you can click on the Download data button.

You can save it as a CSV if you want to do more calculations on it.

You can also get various shapefiles through here, too.