Setting up a reproducible data analysis workflow in R

Zip of files referred to in this walkthrough

Creating functions and packages


Find yourself repeating the same tasks over and over again?


  • Analyzing data that’s published regularly
  • Always replacing that one county name so it matches a lookup file
  • Adjusting summary state data for population.


Save your most common tasks as a function

Introducing the example

Open rmd/04-function_example.Rmd and run the chunks when spotted

Data with counts by state

sb <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=F)

# sb <- read.csv("sb.csv", stringsAsFactors=F)

What would be a problem with this data set if we tried to map it?

That’s right, it’s raw data that hasn’t be adjusted for population yet.

This is a problem that we have to deal with all the time.

Let’s make it easier on ourselves in the future by dealing with it now.

  1. Start with a look up file

(You can bring in a Google Sheet if you publish as a CSV and copy the link over)

pop <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=F)

# pop <- read.csv("pop.csv", stringsAsFactors=F)
  1. Figure out the columns to join by

Which ones match?

This is what it looks like when joined.

sb_adjusted <- left_join(sb, pop, by=c("State_Abbreviation"="Abbrev"))

kable(head(sb_adjusted, 3))
State_Abbreviation Starbucks State Population
AK 42 Alaska 741894
AL 65 Alabama 4863300
AR 37 Arkansas 6931071

And how it looks after some math.

sb_adjusted$per_capita <- sb_adjusted$Starbucks/sb_adjusted$Population*100000
kable(head(sb_adjusted, 3))
State_Abbreviation Starbucks State Population per_capita
AK 42 Alaska 741894 5.661186
AL 65 Alabama 4863300 1.336541
AR 37 Arkansas 6931071 0.533828

Turn your code into a function

Adjust the code for general data sets

First, establish some rules

All data sets you want to join with the population data set:

  1. First column will contain either the full state name or the state abbreviation
  2. Second column will have values you want to adjust for population

Now, rewrite the code so it’s more generalized. As in, it can deal with any data set you give it.

# Save the dataframe as a consistent name
any_df <- sb

# Rename the first column to "Abbrev"
colnames(any_df)[1] <- "Abbrev"

# Join by the similar name
df_adjusted <- left_join(any_df, pop, by="Abbrev")

# Do the calculations based on the values in the second column
df_adjusted$per_capita <- df_adjusted[,2] / df_adjusted$Population * 100000

kable(head(df_adjusted, 3))
Abbrev Starbucks State Population per_capita
AK 42 Alaska 741894 5.661186
AL 65 Alabama 4863300 1.336541
AR 37 Arkansas 6931071 0.533828

Function and variables

Turn your lines of code into a function by wrapping it with

function(arg1, arg2, ... ){ and }

Remember how there were two types of State ID data?

Full name and abbreviations.

We can write the function so you can tell it to join based on what type it should join by.

pc_adjust <- function(any_df, state_type){
  pop <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=F)
  # pop <- read.csv("pop.csv", stringsAsFactors=F)
  # State type options are either "Abbrev" or "State"
colnames(any_df)[1] <- state_type
df_adjusted <- left_join(any_df, pop, by=state_type)
df_adjusted$per_capita <- df_adjusted[,2] / df_adjusted$Population * 1000000

Test it out

Start out with sb dataframe.

kable(head(sb, 3))
State_Abbreviation Starbucks
AK 42
AL 65
AR 37

Apply the function pc_adjust to sb with the variable Abbrev.

test <- pc_adjust(sb, "Abbrev")
kable(head(test, 3))
Abbrev Starbucks State Population per_capita
AK 42 Alaska 741894 56.61186
AL 65 Alabama 4863300 13.36541
AR 37 Arkansas 6931071 5.33828


Test it on another data set

Alright, we’ve got it working with Starbucks data.

Let’s try it with Dunkin’ Donuts data.

dd <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=F)

# dd <- read.csv("dd.csv", stringsAsFactors=F)

State Dunkin
Alabama 18
Alaska 0
Arizona 59
Arkansas 7
California 2
Colorado 8

The state identification is spelled out this time and not abbreviated.

Fortunately, we accounted for that when making the formula.

Run this code.

dd_adjusted <- pc_adjust(dd, "State")

State Dunkin Abbrev Population per_capita
Alabama 18 AL 4863300 3.7011905
Alaska 0 AK 741894 0.0000000
Arizona 59 AZ 2988248 19.7440105
Arkansas 7 AR 6931071 1.0099449
California 2 CA 39250017 0.0509554
Colorado 8 CO 5540545 1.4439013

Yay, we did it!

pc_adjust() is your tiny perfect function

Keep going!

Turn your function into a package

For everyone to use.

Select File > New Project > New Directory > R Package

Name the package

One word. Some tips on figuring out the best name.

Three components

  • An R/ folder where you save your function code - more details
  • A basic DESCRIPTION file for package metadata - more details
  • A basic NAMESPACE file, which is only necessary if you’re submitting to CRAN - more details

Welcome script

Edit the DESCRIPTION file

Questions about which License to use? Check out the options.

Also, notice that I added Imports: dplyr because this function won’t work without the left_join function from dplyr.

Create a new script

Copy and paste the pc_adjust function you made into a new script file.

pc_adjust <- function(any_df, state_type){
  pop <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=F)
  # pop <- read.csv("pop.csv", stringsAsFactors=F)
  # State type options are either "Abbrev" or "State"
colnames(any_df)[1] <- state_type
df_adjusted <- left_join(any_df, pop, by=state_type)
df_adjusted$per_capita <- df_adjusted[,2] / df_adjusted$Population * 1000000

Save as new script in the R folder

Name the file after the function, pc_adjust and save it into the R/ folder

Add documentation

To your script

Go back to your pc_adjust.R script and add these lines above the code.

#' Population adjuster
#' This function appends state population data
#' @param any_df The name of the dataframe you want to append to
#' @param state_type if state identification is abbreviations, use "Abbrev" if full state name, use "State"
#' @keywords per capita
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pc_adjust(dataframe, "Abbrev")

What is all that gibberish?

These special comments above the function will be compiled into the correct format.


Run these lines in console.


It wrote to the NAMESPACE file and created a pc_adjust.Rd file based on the special comments.

Find and open pc_adjust.Rd in the man folder.

This would’ve been tough to put together by hand.

Build your package

Press Cmd + Shift + B to build the package.

Now, you have your package forever and ever.

Just run


and you can run pc_adjust whenever you want.

Your help file



This is what your special comments above your R function helped generate.

Hold up.

Upload package folder to Github

Let others download and use your R package.

Here’s how the easy way and here’s the official way.

This means you have to add some clean documentation, such as a readme.MD file.



Better resources

From Giora Simchoni:

Next steps

Keep adding functions to your package.

Perhaps, create a Shiny version of it for those who don’t use R.

Over time you’ll build up a bunch that you’ll rely on over and over again.

If it’s awesome, submit it to CRAN.

This was an extremely simple version of making a package.

For better details, check out the free book from Hadley Wickham.